Our free-range thinking.
Carefully sourced from all corners of the world, our team brings with them unparalleled international experience in business, technology and design. Despite our different backgrounds, experiences and skill sets, we share an unbridled passion for all things digital. From time to time this passion will spill out here as opinion pieces, comprehensive explainers and the occasional rant or rave.
Building a full-stack Decentralised Application on the Ethereum blockchain
Part Three:
Deploying the smart contract to a local network
5 part, blog series on the basics of building a full-stack decentralised application to deploy on the Ethereum network.
Building a full-stack Decentralised Application on the Ethereum blockchain
Part Two:
Testing the smart contract.
5 part, blog series on the basics of building a full-stack decentralised application to deploy on the Ethereum network.
Building a full-stack Decentralised Application on the Ethereum blockchain
Part One:
Building the smart contract.
5 part, blog series on the basics of building a full-stack decentralised application to deploy on the Ethereum network.
When can I call myself a designer?
Years ago, if you had told my teenage self that I would be in UX Design, I would have asked you firstly what is UX, and secondly will I still get to blow things up in the lab.
Years later here I am, making a career out of listening to people complaining about things not working properly, trying to find fresh ways to solve their problems.
Lightening the load
Images are by far the greatest bottleneck for performance on the web. As a site grows and gains visual complexity over time it can become increasingly sluggish and start to underperform.
We look at what you can do to increase your reach to those people on slower connections and how to satisfy your users by ensuring your site or app loads within an acceptable time frame.
Why every team needs a Generalist
‘When I grow up I want to be a lawyer, an artist, a journalist and work for National Geographic. Oh, and maybe also an astronaut. And a chef’. - Me, age 10.
As ridiculous and unachievable as this may sound, I still secretly wish I could become all of these things. Where some perceive pure career confusion or a lack of passion, I see a born and bred generalist.
Creating a serverless API with Auth in under an hour.
At the end of this tutorial, you should have a serverless API with production and development environments running on AWS using Amazon Cognito, DynamoDB, API Gateway, and Lambdas. We will use Amplify CLI to configure all this so as to avoid the nightmare of having to set up the connections between these services manually. We will also add a front end that is capable of consuming this API.
Atomic design systems
At Hatchd as we have moved to more product based work we are looking at design a little differently. Rather than doing a bespoke design piece every time the client wants something new, we have been employing a more atomic design approach. This helps us build a design system to create efficiencies for design and unite the team with a single source of truth.
Business Analyst and UX Designer. Spot the difference.
Have you noticed that the roles of Business Analyst (BA) and User Experience (UX) Designer are often confused with each other, or conflated into the same role?
Australian veterans taking their care into their own hands—by going digital.
See how two veterans have connected thousands of their brothers and sisters in arms across Australia, with just an app.
Doing more with less - virtual workshops in a remote age.
With remote working becoming the new normal, how do we continue harnessing the collective intelligence of locationally disparate individuals?
The many problems of design thinking.
Everyone's talking about design thinking, but it's no silver bullet. Here's where it delivers and where it falls short.